Thursday, February 02, 2006

Colour the mess

A great title for a great song. Colour the mess. Tonight was the SixStarHotel gig, supported by non-zero and mexico. It was very loud. It was a small room. And it was brilliant. I even bought a t-shirt, sporting the title of this post none the less. For anyone who sees me tomorrow, I shall be wearing it. So yeah, it was great, and you should all go and see SixStar if you ever get a chance. You may come back slightly deaf, as I am now, but it is more than worth it. Especially since most of the stuff they were playing isn't out on cd yet, so there is no other way to hear it.
In other news, my day was average. No classes, did my washing, met some people for coffee, where I had orange juice instead, then went and played pool in the union. Plus, I even got some work done for my maths tutorial tomorrow.
Well, thats all the ranting you are getting for tonight, as I am very tired. I shall update you soon though.


Blogger del1r1ou5 said...

I don't think I brought my 6* t-shirt over with me. It's very sad! Oh well, our little plan will just have to wait until sometime in the not too distant future...

4:04 PM  
Blogger Alastair said...

No doubt it shall happen soon, since I shall probably wear the t-shirt a lot since it is both very cool and very comfy. You'll have to get your one sent over or something.

11:26 PM  
Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

the tshirt is very cool, but don't u think it would be better if you could colour it in?? you could use washable pens, so every time you washed it you could use different colours! then it could go with absolutely anything depending on the colours u used!!

11:07 PM  

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