Thursday, January 19, 2006

A short stay in Glasgow

Ok, so I made it to Glasgow on the train alright. It even came in at platform 1 at Central Station, which has never happened when I've been on it before. It's usually something more along the lines of platform 200, which is another thing about taking the train that annoys me, but I neglected to mention yesterday. So anyway, got to Glasgow fine, and it wasnt even raining, so I could walk to my flat instead of having to pay incredible amounts of money for a taxi. I almost put 'again' at the end of the last sentence, but I never have before. Even last time when it actually was raining, I just walked because I didn't want to pay. What can I say, I'm a true Scot when it comes to spending money.
So I walked, even got food at the co-op for dinner and breakfast before exam tomorrow. It was going excellently. Sat and talked to two of my flatmates, put my pizza in the oven and waited for it to be ready. This is when things started going downhill. I don't quite know why, maybe because of the litre and a half of Irn-Bru I had drank since getting to the flat, but then again, more likely not. When I took the pizza out, I used a tea-towel, and lifted the metal tray out carefully. Then, for some reason, grabbed it with my other hand too. So now I have three burnt fingers on my left hand. As I type this, with one hand, the burnt fingers are sitting in a glass of cold water. Luckily it's my left hand, since I am right handed and have an exam tomorrow that I need to be-able to write for. The basic lesson from this is: Don't touch metal that's just out of the oven. It hurts. A lot. I knew something would happen since the train journey went so well.
In other news, my friend Colin from Dumfries who is at Glasgow Uni has started a blog (which means I get a new reader, hoorah!). It's very interesting, if not slightly, (and by that I mean 'very') odd. There's a link to it on the left <---. I would encourage you visit it, but since when do people listen to me?
Well, I better go revise more now so I can pass this exam tomorrow well. Prayers would be appreciated. They aren't manditory, but they would be helpful. 10am to midday tomorrow. And I'll see you in the afternoon Colin. Ta for now.


Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Hey, how'd the exam go? (i didn't read ur blog until now 16:45 on friday! but prayers still work now dont they?!)
am very sorry to hear about ur burnt fingers (even if it is slightly amusing! :p)
Yay! It's Friday!! :D

4:49 PM  

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