Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ireland, Ireland!!

"Ireland, Ireland, together standing tall. Shoulder to shoulder to answer Ireland's call"
Ok, so technically, I'm not Irish. More precisely, I'm just not Irish at all, although I do have a feeling my second name originates from that great island. The reason that I say this is that as well as Scotland beating Italy at the rugby today (hoorah), Ireland beat England!!!! I witnessed this from the wonders of Waxy O'Connors. An Irish pub full of Irish people, and me, screaming and celebrating and not being able to bear to look at the screen. But they won!!! It was so good.
That was the highlight of today. Other stuff in the week since I last updated is as follows. I did about 16 hours of work on a group design project. 7 and a half of these occured in the same day. It was not a good day. I am now once again feeling better, I was last weekend too, but now I'm hopefully feeling better for good. I registered with a doctors too. Had a meal with the rest of the CU committee, which was very good. Celebrated St. Patricks night by playing card games a lot, wearing a massive Guiness hat and singing like an absolute idiot. Did some work on a Saturday. A quarter of a project if you want to be really precise. I watched the Last Samurai too. Good film, and it was even better this time, because last time I watched it my dvd player overheated half way through and I couldn't watch the end. Ever so slightly annoying.
Also, if you would be interested in learning the guitar, let me know, I seem to be going to be teaching a few folk. And if you want to pay me for it, that would be even better. It would mean I could buy food. And food is good.
Anyway, blog on rockstars!!


Blogger sillyjigsaw said...

Your blog made me laugh! Especially the bit about wearing the Guiness hat and singing stupidly! hehehe, but it didnt beat you and chris singing stupidly in harmony to 'You are Holy'.
When u say 'i seem to be going to teach a few folk' [the guitar] does that include me?? i think i need to talk to you about guitar strings, i think my mums has nylon guitar strings and im sure someone said that they always go out of tune! ah well shall see u at CU 2moroo!

11:05 PM  

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