Tuesday, March 28, 2006

So they fixed stuff

So, everything is working in our flat again. The toilet door has been re-attached, and now has special wooden bits to stop it getting broken for a third time since we have lived here. The oven works again too. But not only does it work, it works twice as well as it used to, and now only takes about twenty minutes to heat about to any useful temperature, rather than the forty-five that it used to take.
So bascially our flat is whole again, which is rubbish in a way, as it means I don't have anything left to complain about. I'm sure something will come up in the next few weeks before I leave though.
As you may have noticed, this post is being written at midday. This is because I only have one class today, and it is from four till five pm. "Why are you up then?" I hear you ask. The answer is that I was at CU this morning. Good way to start the day, especially when afterwards you don't have to run off to class, and can instead hang about in the chaplaincy until eleven.
However, I do actually have some work to do the rest of the day, and hence should probably do it. Partly because once I do it, it shall be done, and that shall make me happy.
Small group tonight, with biscuits and all. And not many days until I go home now, and then head up to Inverness. Bring on the Chung's is all I can say.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Some General Thoughts

Ok, so life in our flat is quite interesting just now. Our oven doesn't work. It hasn't done since Tuesday, and it still hasn't been fixed. Our sliding toilet door also started to break again the other day, meaning you occasionally got stuck inside. However, as you can see from the below picture, this problem has now been fixed.

Yes, that's right, the door is no longer connected to the bit it slides along in any way, shape or form. As a word of advice to anyone who would ever be fitting a toilet door, never use a sliding one. They don't work, and are just generally quite rubbish. I wonder how long it will take them to fix it?
In other news, I was ceilidhing last night. Great time, much dancing, not too much feeling ill. Fun train rides as well, which are always good.
Off into town now, and get more free texts on my phone. I am also getting 4 free sim cards from o2 for some reason, which will be handy in case I ever manage to go on a rampage of sim card destroying. The fun.
Now, a closing thought. The Swiss army are great. They are only part time, and if there is ever a war, they can just grab their guns and swiss army knives and march off to be good and neutral.
Have a good Saturday.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ireland, Ireland!!

"Ireland, Ireland, together standing tall. Shoulder to shoulder to answer Ireland's call"
Ok, so technically, I'm not Irish. More precisely, I'm just not Irish at all, although I do have a feeling my second name originates from that great island. The reason that I say this is that as well as Scotland beating Italy at the rugby today (hoorah), Ireland beat England!!!! I witnessed this from the wonders of Waxy O'Connors. An Irish pub full of Irish people, and me, screaming and celebrating and not being able to bear to look at the screen. But they won!!! It was so good.
That was the highlight of today. Other stuff in the week since I last updated is as follows. I did about 16 hours of work on a group design project. 7 and a half of these occured in the same day. It was not a good day. I am now once again feeling better, I was last weekend too, but now I'm hopefully feeling better for good. I registered with a doctors too. Had a meal with the rest of the CU committee, which was very good. Celebrated St. Patricks night by playing card games a lot, wearing a massive Guiness hat and singing like an absolute idiot. Did some work on a Saturday. A quarter of a project if you want to be really precise. I watched the Last Samurai too. Good film, and it was even better this time, because last time I watched it my dvd player overheated half way through and I couldn't watch the end. Ever so slightly annoying.
Also, if you would be interested in learning the guitar, let me know, I seem to be going to be teaching a few folk. And if you want to pay me for it, that would be even better. It would mean I could buy food. And food is good.
Anyway, blog on rockstars!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A lazy weekend

This has been a pretty lazy weekend, not much been happening really. The main reason for me actually being home this weekend was going out for dinner for my dad's and cousin's birthdays. However, we are not going to be-able to go tonight. See if you can guess why from these pictures.

That's right, just like the rest of the country, we have masses and masses of snow. At least six inches I would say probably. So church is cancelled, meal tonight is looking most unlikely, and my room is nice and warm compared to outside. It's fun to go out and walk/sink in though.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A quick update

Ok, so as most of you probably know, im not well. Although now I am getting better, and hope to be completely better by the end of the week. Due to this fact, I dont have much to update you about. Apart from the fact that the CU Leaders Training weekend was good. And snow is fun. Also, note the new links on the left <- to sean's blog and the CU website.
Erm, what else. Buy oxfam donkeys, they are for a good cause. And Eu Natural is a very good place for picking up cheap plates and mugs and cups. I now own four more mugs than I used to. None are quite as big as Louise's massive Ireland one though.
Apart from that, not much been happening. I sleep quite a lot. I am also going to venture into town to meet my family for lunch tomorrow, but doubt I will eat much.
Anyway, hopefully I'll be back up in Glasgow soon for more fun and shenanigans.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I like short books

I like reading books. I don't seem to do it all that often, but I do enjoy it. I especially enjoy reading short books, because I always seem to find more time to read them. The latest of these short books that I have read is "Blessed Be Your Name" by Matt and Beth Redman. I borrowed it last night. I gave it back to Alison this afternoon. And it was a very good read, with very good points in it. I can honestly say I am glad that I have read it.
In other news, I got told I had to hand in something today. This was something that I had actually handed in several months ago, but apparently it hadn't been seen. This is not true, as I have it on my shelf, and it has comments written on it by the person that saw and marked it. So basically, it just proved to be an annoyance that meant I had to go up to the fifth floor of the James Weir building. It wasted time that could have been better spent too.
Much work also got done today. Maths revision. Mechanics. Some design. And stuff for CU. All in all, quite a busy day, which for some reason is only translating into quite a short post.
Oh, we had pancakes yesterday too. Many a pancake, and many, many a choice of toppings, which is always good. Also, we played cheat, but with three packs of cards. It gets interesting when you are trying to hold two whole packs of cards in your hands. So yeah, yesterday consisted of much pancakes, chocolate eating and card holding. I've got to say, it's quite a good combination.
Anyways, I feel that bed it calling now. Either that, or I just want to go to bed, and sleep for a long, long, long time. Of course, it will only be until like eight because I need to revise some more. Hoorah. Ta-ra.