Thoughts concerning music and other such things
I got thinking the other day. Actually, more precisely, I got thinking earlier on today when my mind was wandering yet again instead of concentrating on the work I was trying to do. Anyway, I realised that it is now almost exactly three years since I started playing the guitar. I then realised just how much I have learned about the guitar in that time. Then, my brain working as it does, this led to another thought/challenge. If I can learn to play the guitar well in that amount of time, could the same go for the piano?
Now obviously, there are some slight differences between the piano and the guitar. Mainly, the piano has keys that you press, and you don't strum it. Also, the fact that I own four guitars and not a single piano. All the same, I have decided that over the next three years I would like to learn how to play the piano. Maybe not learn to play it really, really well, but play it all the same. I feel it would come in useful at some time or another.
Well, apart from those thoughts, its been a pretty uneventful day. Five hours of classes, and doing work either on my laptop or in A3 pads the rest of the time. I even tried to do work as I was sitting having lunch in the chaplaincy earlier. I also still have some design work to do tonight, but that shall come after ER I think.
Anyways, not much else went on over the weekend apart from Scotland winning the rugby!! That definitely deserves a big HOORAH!!! Ireland also won, which I view as quite a good thing, but not as good as Scotland winning. It shall no doubt continue to make me happy for a few days yet.
Well, that's all my thoughts for today. If you want to buy me a piano, let me know.